Artist Statement
I’m interested in the capacity of visual art to communicate paradox and exist on the edge of absurdity without becoming nonsense. Some people are intimidated by art because it relies on metaphor instead of communicating literally. While there can be comfort in literal understanding, there is much around us that defies easy explanation. Visual language is innate to our species and nuanced, when used deftly, it can communicate deep emotion and thought. I aim to create ambiguous statements that are open to a variety of interpretations and hint at multiple, layered meanings.
My work reflects my interest in biology and suggests the magical worldview of ancient civilizations and contemporary native peoples. I investigate the intersections between the scientific and the mystical perspectives. The playfulness of my work stems from an interest in eliminating barriers between the artwork and the viewer. I use whimsy to convey the energy that drives human inquiry into the mysteries of the world, and I encode my personal commentary on the creative process.