Discovering local histories & memories with Rich Garr of Gotham SideWalks

Artist Rich Garr is always investigating histories and memory. His project—a combination of art, and community-based cultural walks—can be enjoyed by everyone through Gotham SideWalks. Starting this spring he'll be venturing downhill from Windsor Terrace to lead art walks on the second Saturday of every month on the bridges and alleys of Gowanus. The area has undergone enormous change, and over the past few years Rich has been working to keep small but important histories of the community alive through a series of Street Art History Plaques. While his art often explores the history and identity of people, in the Gowanus area he is focusing on the neighborhood. Rich is especially interested in examining how art and architecture mingle within a creative and industrial legacy. Follow Rich @GothamSideWalks and consider signing up for one of his fascinating walks that will leave you thinking differently about the area.



Phil Desantis showing at Founders Workspace


Joy Makon showing at American Watercolor Society