NYC Urban Sketchers -Susan Greenstein: A Watercolor Journey in Greens

NYC Urban Sketchers -Susan Greenstein: A Watercolor Journey in Greens

In this watercolor workshop, Susan will show how to open options in landscape painting …

by going beyond the green in a tube of paint. Through a step-by-step approach she will help us understand and expand the types of greens in our palettes. We’ll learn how other colors, along with the use of light and deep space, allow greens to really shine.

We’ll start by applying simple color theory to create our own “green” color charts. With this tool we’ll begin our compositions by identifying large shapes that can be easily sketched. Using lights and darks, we’ll establish form in our landscapes, using the variety of greens developed in our charts earlier. We will find ways to simplify the shapes we see as we “build” our paintings. Lastly, we will look for places in-between our shapes where we can place darker tones to create a deeper space.

At the end of the session we will discuss what was discovered and what each of us will take away from this workshop. We’ll come away with the knowledge and tools we need to add light, distinction, and interest in our compositions.

Time: May25. Rain date of May 26. 10 am to 1 pm

Location: Meet at the corner of Prospect Park West and 15th Street, at the entrance to Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

Artist: You can learn more about Susan and her work at and in a recently-published article:

Registration: Eventbrite.

Supplies List:

Set of watercolor paints
Watercolor pad or paper​
Watercolor brushes (Recommended: # 8 & #12 or #14, and 1” flat brush for large washes.)
Roll of 1” artist’s tape
White eraser Pencil
Paper towels,
Washcloth or wash-cloth size towel
Container for water
Sketching stool

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