Stacy Bergener
Location: 401 8th Ave, Apt 45
Instagram: @stacybergener
I have always liked Jasper Johns approach to creativity. His reply when asked about what is involved in the creative process was: “ it’s simple, you just take something and then you do something to it, and then you do something else to it. Keep doing this and pretty soon you’ve got something" That is how I like to approach my work, taking something close to chaotic and creating order from it almost like putting a puzzle together. I take joy from encountering the chaotic beginnings of a project, the anxiety of an unfolding mystery. I then mold my work to create order out of this chaos that's closer to my heart's desire. With my smaller collages I like to use recycled, found objects and organic materials to show that we are more connected to our planet than we admit to. I also want my work to convey that behind the mask and/or underneath the surface more is going on that is much more interesting than what first appears. There are layers of information in the layers of paint and found objects on the canvas that are subconscious messages to us of hidden treasures.