Spring arrives in the neighborhood at a local showcase

We love it when our artwork gives back to the neighborhood. That’s why we are so proud to be able to showcase our artwork in Assemblymember Robert Carroll’s storefront office on 7th Avenue near 14th Street in Park Slope. Even when installing the newest showcase—our sixth one—we see neighbors, school kids, and visitors stopping to peek in the window to see what we’re up to. Smile & wave... The Spring-themed window has artwork by: Phil Desantis, Karen Giordano, Judith Eloise Hooper, Caryn Kreitzer, Joy Makon, Robin Roi, Janie Samuels. Thank you to Assemblymember Robert Carroll and his staff for providing us this showcase to be a part of the PS-WT neighborhood.


Two weekends of art at OSSAM Gallery


Robin Roi's annual project at the DUMBO Carousel