Robin Roi's annual project at the DUMBO Carousel
After ceramic & mixed-media artist Robin Roi retired from a full time job at Evergreene Architectural Arts in 2015, she was offered an amazing opportunity to restore the decorative painting and gilding on the DUMBO Carousel horses. “What a great retirement job!,” says Robin. “This has been the third year I have re-painted and gilded the horses. Each January and February, these horses get a wonderful “refresh”. Nicks and scratches—naturally caused by the hundreds of kids (and adults) who enjoy riding the carousel—get carefully sanded, filled and touched up. Meanwhile, I get to work inside of this glass house in the middle of the winter snow storms, and it couldn’t be more amazing. Yes, it is warm and cozy inside. I get to watch the weather all around me, as well as the ever-moving scenery of boats passing by. On warmer days, there are brides and grooms being photographed, acrobats, skate boarders, models, tai chi and other performers as well as lots of mothers and caretakers with babies in strollers. I don’t consider this a job, I consider this a reward! Come visit me next January when I’ll be putting on another coat of paint and silver and gold leaf!”