artsPSWT @ Gowanus Open Studios Followup
King Killer Studios for Gowanus (Shy artists - Carol, Adams, Alice Garik - backs turned - Steve; gray hair by door.)
Gowanus Open Studios was a huge hit for artsPSWT. Thanks Johnny!
Here are the two spaces at King KIller Studios.
Most photos show work and artist backs, because they were busy talking to visitors. Artists missing from pics: Stacy Bergener, Cynthia Ruse, Steve Ettlinger, Alice Garik, Darcy Lynn, Lloyd Campbell, Rich Garr, Joyce Riley
Coming Soon: Ossam Gallery (featured in Hyperallergic).
More PSWT artists were scattered at other sites (If you are a member, submit your photos for further follow ups. And show your faces!)
Our host is King Killer Studios. As part of an occasional wheat-pasting project, we have pasted the Man Who Would Be King to the floor of the studio. Smaller examples were given out for free. Look for them on walls near you.