Robin Roi @ Spoke the Hub

The work I'm exhibiting started out as an experiment in a new medium for me. Though I majored in printmaking as an undergraduate, it has been many years since I put my hand to printmaking....and without a press. I've been looking for a way to shake up and loosen up my methods and monoprinting seemed like an interesting solution. I've been very pleased with the results, and I hope you will enjoy them as well.

 For a more in depth look at my work, I invite you to view my websiteand instagram.

The Fearless Falconer 4, monoprint on rice paper, 16"x12"

 Decomposing, monoprint & collage on rice paper, 16"x 12"


Artists/Teachers @ ShapeShifter & Art Collective Cafe


Winter Salon @ BWAC