Member News
Spring arrives in the neighborhood at a local showcase
At Assemblymember Robert Carroll's storefront office on 7th Avenue, local art is in the air.
Robin Roi's annual project at the DUMBO Carousel
Robin Roi's great "retirement job" as a carousel restorer comes with a lot of rewards.
An art teacher's response to March for Our Lives
Joyce Riley, as a dedicated art educator, found a way to express her feelings about events
Phil Desantis showing at Founders Workspace
Painter Phil Desantis explores familiar Brooklyn neighborhoods in his work
Discovering local histories & memories with Rich Garr of Gotham SideWalks
How Rich Garr, through his art and Gotham Sidewalks, celebrates the local history in BKLYN neighborhoods
Joy Makon showing at American Watercolor Society
Joy Makon's painting, from a trip to Giverny, will be on view thru April 28
Robert Carroll Window #5
"Showcase #5--with a wintry mix theme--is now proudly hanging in Assemblymember Robert Carroll's office on 7th Avenue & 14th Street in Park Slope. We hope that you'll We hope that you'll walk by to check out some seasonal artwork by Karen Giordano, Gail Flanery, Susan Greenstein, Tom Keough, Lisa Lincoln, Joy Makon. Thank you to the Assemblymember and staff for hosting us. #intheneighborhood #artspswt